Monday, July 11, 2011

What should I do :(!?

I'm 16, and my boyfriend is 17. We had sex 9 weeks ago and the condom broke! So I'm pregnant. I feel completely ashamed I had sex. I'm a Christian and I wanted to wait until I was married, but it was a stupid mistake. I feel I'm not ready to have a baby and want an abortion, but my boyfriend wants to keep it. He told me he would help me raise it and be a good father to it, but I don't think I'm ready. I don't like the idea of abortion but I'm afraid. My parents said it's my baby, my decision but they won't be stuck caring for it. Now's the best time to get one so I need to make my desision soon. Have the baby and raise it with my boyfriend, even though it risks my life and I don't think I'm ready, or kill an innocent unborn baby because I'm scared. :( Ugh I feel so bad. I can't believe I did what I did. I feel ready to die!!! Help :(

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