Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Help us support friend who lost baby?

Friends daughter had a stillborn baby 2 yrs ago and is now preg with 2nd child to a diff father. Is understandably scared and has significant medical support in place owing to the risk of pregnancy (previous pre eclampsia life threatening.) Has told father of baby she has no feelings for him and has thus ended the relationship. Daughter who is 22 remains living at home and is dependant upon parents to accommodate however has small income from casual employment. Recently she told her mother that she was having second thoughts re separation from bf but later that night contacted him and said she want nil to do with him and not to contact her until after birth of child. Why is she lying all the time, she has been caught out on a few lies of late primarily about her relationship. Understandably the daughter is scared of loosing this child and as a result is having some difficulty bonding with unborn but is also pushing friends away and now only goes to work, medical appts and spends some time on social network sites. Father of baby devastated, how can we help? Some borderline personality traits of behavior presenting here is it because of the stress of the pregnancy?

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