Saturday, July 16, 2011

My mom is disrespecting me what should I do?!?! Needs advice!?

Alright so I'm 20 years old and have been married since I was 19 and I've lived outta my parents house since I was 18.So my mom got divorced to my stepdad 2 years ago and ever since then she's become very religious like she used to be religious but not like this and she quotes the Bible 24/7, nowI'm Christian but I don't quote the Bible constantly.Anyways so my mom treats me as if I'm still a child and doesn't let me make my own decisions and it drives me crazy.This past week I went to my moms house just me because she needed someone to take her to her surgery.So first it started off with we went to Walgreens and some lady walked in and had a very raspy deep breath and asked for 5 packs of cigarettes and I said to my mom see mom that's what's going to happen to you if you don't quit smoking.So I started telling my mom that I'm concerned for her and she blew it outta proportion saying I need to stop lecturing her and she doesn't wanna hear it and end of discussion. And she was screaming at me like she's crazy!So then some guy pulled out in front of us and I said what an *** hole and my mom said "Don't cuss in my presence,what do you think God thinks of you?!" I said " I'm a grown *** woman and I can talk however I wanna talk" so then she tells me "I'm your parent and you still have to obey me, do you know what the bible says about sin?" so then she starts rambling on about sin like I don't know what it is or something.So then we get home and we had dinner then we went for a walk and I decided we should talk about how she makes me feel like she still thinks I'm a kid.I was talking in such a calm mature manner.Well again she's like I don't wanna talk about this your getting my blood pressure up and heart rate up and I don't need stress the day before surgery.And I told her no we need to talk about this now I'm not going to avoid this and I need to get this off my chest and she started yelling at me again and said fine I'll just cancel my surgery! I said whatever mom do what you want.And I just walked ahead of her and we walked by ourselves cause she wouldn't listen to me.Well the next day I take her to her surgery and she complains about the way that I drive and how I shoulda taken a turn down this road its a shortcut but she didnt even tell me till after I passed it...Alright so I'm not really sure what I should do should I stop talking to my mom for now or what in the world should I do to stop her treating me like a child and her trying to controll my every move?!?!

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