Sunday, July 10, 2011

31W 2D Pregnant and emotional hurt and drained...?

I am 31weeks and 3days with my on again off again bf of 7 years. He has made so many promises about what he is going to do for our babygirl and has not brught her anything yet nor has his family. I am 24 years old and in a shelter trying to get a place again because we lost ours and my bf is facing jail time and is 29yrs old. We often go by his moms house but everytime I am there his other babymom is there. Sometimes for reason that dont even include their 11yr old son. I have told him how indirectly smart she has been lately and he keeps taking her side. When ever I express myself to him he just makes excuese and does not answer all my question which makes me angry. then we argue and he completely ignores me and does not answer my calls or textes. I am becoming very depressed to be going through so much alone with his child. He does a lot for his son so I cant understand why he is making his daughter a last pirority and not doing anything for her when he could possibly be going to jail? I have to now force myself to eat and I cry all the time and I am scared that this stress will harm my unborn baby!!!! He told me he wanted our daughter in so many ways and has come to about 3 doctors appt. but has not bought her a thing and his family either. He told me he wanted to buy his cusins baby a walker and it hurt me to my heart because he hasnt even done anything for our child yet!!! I am so angry and I have yelled and cursed him out horribly because I feel betrayed by him picking his babymom over me and making our daughter a last pirority when I always put him and her first. There is nothing he can ask me to do that I dont for him and I have brought everything for my daughter except her stroller and car seat which I am planning to buy next week along with a breast pump because I am breast feeding. I am struggling looking for a place plus trying to help him find a job to keep him out of jail but nobody every has my back I feel over whelmed. He knows my family and I arent close and sometimes I think it is a reason he uses to treat me bad. What should I do I am going crazy in my head because I never wanted to be a single mom but I feel like my back is on the wall.

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